Aspleys The Lanesborough 2008

There are often one or two features from a Tihany design that emboss themselves on the mind. In Foliage, its the galss linear wine rooms and the silhouetted opulence of the bar; liquor bottles stored on walled shelves of a frosted-glass drinks room, backlit to paint bottle rows of russet, jade and mauve on the glass. In Aspleys, its the chandeliers and Simon Casson’s post-Renaissance painting. Eight feet by 17ft and facing the door, it’s an Old Master ripped up and reassembled blind. Like taking apart a Bentley under a car magnet, ” it feels like a post-Renaissance on LSD,” says Tihany. “Maybe some Renaissance painter took some pills and just went nuts. We wanted something modern but that had a classical feel to it. This is it.”

Extract from the article; “U.S designer Adam Tihany on his third project in London”
Catererearch magazine published April 2008

International Art Consultants London

Further information on this project can be found HERE

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