Greek Tragedy

Exhibition review of “Vengeance of Orestes”

Andrew Lambirth Royal Academy Magazine / number 74 / spring issue 2002

The manipulation of the Classics is afoot at Long & Ryle where ex-RA Schools student Simon Casson provides a luxurious and multi-layered world of passion and desire in his dramatic compositions. Taking the story of  ‘The Vengeance of Orestes’ (the soap opera that was post-Trojan Argos), he creates paintings that are large and vivid, rich in colour, content and confidence. They present a visual Mend of coherence and chaos, myth and reality. The images are challenging and deeply layered with ideas and influences. These paintings area disconcerting combination of expressionism and high art yet in the flesh they blend seemlessly into truly voluptuous canvases. They are, like their subjects, deeply engrossing. ‘Simon Casson’ runs until 6 April.

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