Ablement and Ablish

The Renovated Belmond Cadogan Hotel in London is steeped in Oscar Wilde History

Architecture Digest April 2019 issueby Elizabeth Stamp Contemporary art and design elements, such as sculpture lighting, bring the hotel in the 21st century and give a nod to its cultured location. “Adorning our walls are 430 pieces of original artwork, by mainly Britiah artists.” says Kabelitz. ” One striking piece is the lobby, above the hand

The Renovated Belmond Cadogan Hotel in London is steeped in Oscar Wilde History Read More »

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Interview with Simon Casson on the construction of the Savoyards. In the late 17th century the Savoy precinct became a notorius place of sanctuary for desperadoes and outlaws, who were nicknamed ‘Savoyards’ – a term originally applied to natives of Savoy in France. (Later, the word was used for performers in, or devotees of, the

Savoyards Read More »

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