Exhibition review at Gallerie Guildo Romero London and Paris
Julien Verhaeghe Art Critic Paris 2015
Guido Romero Pierini and Associate Remanence join with Darren Baker Gallery to present “Reminiscences”, a new exhibition of artists united by their exploration of the fundamentals of painting, through its early myths and histories. This reflects back to the beginning of the history of figurative painting and acts as a frame for these artists’ works, each displaying their own original forms of reminiscence.
The artists of the “Reminiscencess” exhibition therefore question the paradoxes of appearance and disappearance and how it may be constituted in the act of painting. Julien Spianti and Simon Casson drive this point home, showing how painting, unlike photography is the par excellence to amalgamate reality and represent the intransigence of memory.